Overall trends in Australian society data sources

Australian Bureau of Statistics: Measures of Australia’s Progress (2010)

This report provides a selection of statistical data on key social, economic, and environmental indicators in order to provide an assessment of Australia’s progress (or lack of progress). The report is based on the most recent ABS data at 15 September 2010. It uses the following headline indicators:

  • Individual: health; education and training; work; culture and leisure;
  • The economy and economic resources: national income; economic hardship; national wealth; housing; productivity; competitiveness and openness; inflation;
  • The environment: the natural landscape; the air and atmosphere; oceans and estuaries;
  • Living together: family, community and social cohesion; crime; communication; transport; democracy, governance and citizenship.

For recent MAP findings, see Measures of Australia’s Progress: Summary Indicators, 2012.  www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/mf/1370.0.55.001

Australian Bureau of Statistics: Themes

This link provides access to selected information and statistics on a range of topics, including the following themes: economy; environment and energy; industry; people; and regional.

Australian Bureau of Statistics
2008: Australia at a Glance

Drawing on a range of ABS statistics and statistics from other sources, this link provides statistical information relating to the economy; people; industry and the environment.

Note: See the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) homepage (http://www.abs.gov.au/) for an extensive range of statistical information.

See also the ABS 2012 Year Book: (http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/1301.0).

Australian Policy Online

Australian Policy Online offers easy access to much of the best Australian social, economic, cultural and political research available online. APO is maintained by the Institute for Social Research at Swinburne University of Technology and is supported by many universities and 120 member centres and institutes.