Indigenous – national and international data sources

Australian Bureau of Statistics: Summary Booklet: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (2008)[...]

In order to provide a broad, current social picture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the 2008 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSIS) presents a summary on culture, language, family, community, education, health, work, and housing. The NATSIS will be conducted every 6 years to enable changes over time to be monitored.

Information on the 2002 NATSIS can be found at:[...].pdf

Australian Bureau of Statistics: The Health and Welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (2010)

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the health and welfare of Australia’s Indigenous population, drawing on extensive surveys and ABS censuses. The areas covered in the report include education, health, housing, population, disability, and mortality.

Australian Government: Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA)

FaHCSIA is the Australian Government’s coordination agency for Indigenous Affairs and also has a range of programs to assist Indigenous people. This website provides information on the aims, responsibilities and programs of FaHCSIA. Access to the Indigenous Portal provides resources, contacts, and information on governmental programs and services (

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is an advisory body to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The Forum is mandated to discuss Indigenous issues on economic and social development, culture, the environment, health, education, and human rights. The website contains information on news, events, and member organisations, as well as access to a photo gallery, official documents, speeches, and news releases.